Clearly Malfunctioning in Many Important Regards

Edit This

Previously, on Blogs of Our Lives:

Jer: Ok, some weird things about posting to the new blog: - don't use p-tags. instead, use this at the end of a paragraph: [arcane symbol string follows]. it's ugly and stupid, but it indents instead of putting whole lines between paras. You don't need to open and close the tags, though, and that's nice. [See how he is all trying to "mollify" me with this backhanded "don't worry your pretty little head about it" junk?]
Claude: way to go in and edit my post, you megalomaniac. blogger is weird and i hate it.
Jer: Don't hate blogger. (geek voice) it's really a very powerful tool! I was editing anyway for line breaks. Which just makes me a control freak.
Claude: uh, seriously. maybe we need to lay some ground rules.
Jer: hee. sorry. I didn't edit any content! I just don't like big spaces between paragraphs. It just screams "internet" at me. I like to pretend I'm publishing stuff on paper. Ground rules are ok. Maybe we should talk about this on the actual blog, instead of hiding it in email? Maybe not.

      Look, Jammy B., you are "really a very powerful tool." I LIKE comforting white spaces. They give the restless eyeball a break, in a sense saying "This dense, adjective-rich paragraph, replete with barely-related thoughts, has drawn to a close. Please take this moment to recollect yourself before venturing on." It's like the bowl of coffee beans on the perfume counter at a department store: palate-cleansing. But noooooo. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you? I bet you wander around, munching the coffee beans and bitching about how your personal space is being invaded by the sample strips of J'Adore Dior that surround you! Well, I have news for you, Max Olfactor! Get out of the cosmetics department!

Oh shit, a white space! Oooooooooooooooooooo

Here's what I think. Reading stuff online is OBVIOUSLY different from reading it on paper. Even your precious New York Times uses P-tags. Don't believe me, hooligan? View the em-effing Page Source! Oh, and your very "helpful" condescending "This is what a break looks like" note tacked into the entry field? Cute! If you're an asshole! I'ma make a line break on yo' FACE, Edit Master!

[10:20am pst]
All right! That's what I'm talking about! [note how UD tries to suggest that CLM's snarky reaction was all part of his plan.] All I want is some discussion about LAYOUT because that's totally awesome and people love to read about it.
     Your reaction was incommensurate with the crime, and so I don't feel too bad. Wait, check that -- I definitely feel bad, but physically, not emotionally. See this post's title for the locus of my agony. [sympathy play] I like "locus." Like: "We wuz gonna take a vacayshin to the county seat but a swarma locus come'n eat alla corn, so now we make dirt pies for to sell by th' highway."
     I am broke, you are broke, and Blogger is free. Plus it works most of the time, and except for the fact that I can't make the posts go in true chronological order, I've got a reasonable handle on it. Being broke is an ugly thing. I'm as broke as a Hummel at a Jai-Alai game. [this image works better if you've ever seen Jai-Alai, because if you have it's impossible to believe that anything can survive that shit. Basques be fucking insane.]
     What were we talking about? Oh yes. How you are a big meany. Ahem: you are mean.
[3:55pm est]
trouble started by claude le monde
July 28, 2004 • 5:44 PM est • #

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